Smartphones are rapidly replacing computers and tablets as the number one digital device for news, entertainment, gaming, music, video and audio resources; and the Android is one of the most popular smartphone platforms in the United States.
While most folks are spending their time playing Candy Crush, the on-the-go, in-the-know Christian who is looking to educate themselves on their faith, answer nagging doubts about their beliefs, or stay on top of Christian-related news, may just turn to their smartphone as their primary resource for answers and information.
Likewise, the skeptic and critic of religion looking to debunk the various evidences Christian Apologists purport to offer may be looking for a single resource that collects the best that Christian defenders can produce.
Either way, these applications are a wealth of multi-media; providing a vast spectrum of knowledge, news, and philosophy aimed defending Christian beliefs and engaging a skeptical world.
Jesus iWitness - $2.99 Selfless Defense
Jesus iWitness - $2.99
At $2.99, this app is well worth the cost. The most visually compelling app on this list, this is a rich, artistic, and fully interactive presentation of the life and travels of the Biblical Jesus. Jesus iWitness uses a variety of research, authentic art from all periods of Christian History, and photographs of archaeology and Holy Land areas that catalog the travels of Jesus. Jesus iWitness utilizes all of these resources to make a comprehensive case for the Jesus of the Bible.
Reasonable Faith - Free (donations requested but not required) Subsplash Consulting
Reasonable Faith - Free (donations requested but not required)
Dr. William Lane Craig may well be the most celebrated Christian apologist and philosopher of the 21st century. This free application gives the viewer total access to Dr. Craig’s articles, podcasts, and videos/audios of his many debates on all topics related to the Christian Worldview. This is constantly updated, as Dr. Craig takes on science, philosophy, pop culture, and current news items in this rich combination of media resources. One of the more intellectual apologetics materials for Android, Dr. Craig’s app nevertheless makes these heady topics accessible to everyone.
Reasons to Believe - Free (donations requested but not required) Subsplash Consulting
Reasons to Believe - Free (donations requested but not required)
Reasons to Believe tends to appeal to the more conservative Creationist crowd, but it is nevertheless a continually updating news feed on science and apologetics that includes a variety of audio material, both apologetics lectures and doctrinal sermons. Fully integrated with social media, it allows the user to share material on their various feeds. Whether you are a young earth creationist or not, there is plenty of good information here to peruse and consider.
SES Apologetics - Free (donations requested but not required) Subsplash Consulting
SES Apologetics - Free (donations requested but not required)
SES Apologetics may well be the most diverse and well-rounded Apologetics app for Android. Offering a full range of constantly updated text, audio, and video feeds, it includes the very best from every corner of the Apologetics world. SES provides materials from the most highly acclaimed and well-recognized names in Christian defense including William Lane Craig, Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, William Dembski, Frank Turek, Hugh Ross, Dinesh D'Souza, Gary Habermas, and many more!
If you download only one Apologetics app to your Android, this may well be the one.
Stand to Reason - Free (donations requested but not required) Subsplash Consulting
Stand to Reason - Free (donations requested but not required)
Stand to Reason (STR) is the thriving apologetics ministry headed up by speaker and author Greg Koukl, author of Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. Known for non-combative, frank, honest, and friendly discussion on the truth of the Christian Faith, STR’s app includes a variety of daily updating podcasts, blogs, and articles, both philosophical and evidential in nature. These aren’t just limited to Koukl’s work, but includes the best from all members of the STR staff, each with their own area of focus and expertise.
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ReplyDeleteReasons to Believe is mischaracterized above. For the record, the more conservative side of creationists don't much care for Ross' old-earth, science-based views on creationism.